Friday, October 21, 2011

Lesson 5- Edward Hicks

5- Edward Hicks

Access to the internet
printed copies of crossword puzzles found at:
printed copy of Noah's Ark color sheet- also found at the garden of praise site. I don't have the exact link, but it's right there with the other resources on the main page.
crayons and/or colored pencils

7 year old- 
Tell her a little bit about Edward Hicks-
He was born in Pennsylvania in 1740. His mom died when he was a baby and he was raised by a Quaker family. When he was 13 he started learning how to paint coaches. Late on he became a Quaker minister, but eventually quit preaching to pursue painting. He painted lots of pictures called Peaceable Kingdom based on some verses in Isaiah. He also painted Noah’s Ark. Show images of Peaceable Kingdom and Noah’s Ark.
Assignment- Color sheet of Noah’s Ark- I am not always a fan of color sheets because they lack creativity, but I think for the little ones it can be a fun way to get the image of a famous painting imprinted in their minds.
11 year old and 9 year old- 
Have them read through info found @ Do the crossword puzzle together. They will each have their own copy, but can work together on it.
9 year old- Choose one of the animals in Hick’s picture and redraw it, mimicking Hick’s style. Now place the animal in a different background.

11 year old- Draw a picture of Hick’s ark once the flood has begun. Is there any land still showing, or just water? What does the rain look like? How does the rain change the look of the boat? Use colored pencils and demonstrate using them for this assignment.

As the students finish they can do the jigsaw puzzle or memory game found here:
Jigsaw Puzzle of Noah’s Ark-
memory game-

All info in this lesson came from the the site listed in the lesson and from Wikipedia.

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